Tea after dark is a tea line in collaboration with Haruki Murakami, who is a Japanese author who writes in the magical realism genre. This line of sleep and dream teas focuses on the surreal quality between dreaming and how it relates to the magical realism of his stories. One of his book titles is After Dark.

There are three different varieties. They're all teas that help with sleeping, as well as with lucid dreaming. Murakami uses animals as symbolisms in his stories, so each variety has an animal associated with it.

One of the sides has a portrait of Murakami in the background.

When you open the box there's a card on top and a tin containing the tea underneath it.

Each card has an animal on it that indicates the variety, and a tip for lucid dreaming on the back.

packaging design: logo, visual identity, print design, product design, pattern design, social media.