It can be a challenge to integrate yourself into your local art community, from piecing together different local event happenings to learning about and discovering new artists you like.
Artbox will help you find new exciting art, support artists as well as help build and connect you to the art community. Whether you're new to the art world, or an art gallery pro, this app will help connect you to art and your art community.

Artbox helps users find new art in the "Discover" feature, where you can click through "liking" or "disliking" art based purely on visuals. At any point you can find more information on specific pieces, or just intuitively go through until you're ready to see a tailored list of artist suggestions based on what you liked.

Artbox allows you to keep up-to-date on local events, and keep track of events you've signed up for.

Artbox makes buying art, keeping track of your favorite artists and discovering new art easier than ever.

app design: concept development, research & development, logo, ui design.